I love the E! Channel. I adore Keeping Up With the Kardashians. But I also love watching Ryan and Guiliana on E! News and Kendra. They're all so funny and easy to watch. :)
Well, Chelsea Handler, from her show Chelsea Lately, is so funny. I love watching her show. Some of my friends don't think she's funny but Maddy, May, and I stand firm that she is hilarious. :) I think the people who don't understand Chelsea's humor, just haven't seen the right episodes. Sometimes the people she has at her round table aren't that funny. They try to be funny but they're just not.
Oh, well. Not everyone can be a comdian. :)
Anway, Chelsea's newest book isentitled, Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
, I won't pretend that I've read it but I really want to! :) I don't know why it's taken me so long.
Anyway, here's a couple of pictures that Chelsea Handler and Abigail Breslin did for Haper's Bazaar. Enjoy!
Click here to see the rest of the pictures. For some reason they wouldn't come up on blogger right. It was just not working. Oh, well. :)
I hope that you guys are enjoying my giveaway! :) I'm really excited. If you haven't enter and want a $200 giftcard to Target click here! :D
Bye guys. Talk to you later. :) Who's your favorite comedian? Please Comment. :)
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