Let's be honest. A year in English wouldn't be a year in English without reading a Shakespeare play. In ninth grade it was Romeo and Juliet. Then last year it was Julius Caesar. For some reason I liked
Julius Caesar 
more than I liked
Romeo and Juliet
Maybe it was because we didn't actually read Romeo and Juliet. We just watched
the movie
. Has anyone ever seen the Romeo and Juliet movie where Romeo is played by a kid who looks like Zac Efron's little brother?
All I remember from that movie is the fact that every girl in my class thought Benvolio's actor was adorable. :) Hahaha. Oh, the whims of ninth grade girls.
Anyway, this year in class we were reading
Twelfth Night 
and I couldn't help but think that it kind of reminded me of She's the Man. You know, the funny Amanda Bynes movie that came out a couple years ago. The movie with Channing Tatum in it. :)
Well, apparhently
She's the Man 
was based loosely on Twelfth Night. Cool, huh? I didn't know that. :) This movie is super funny and I would recommed it to people who liked
What a Girl Wants

Random blog I know. I'm sorry. More fashion related posts will be up soon. I promise!
Have you ever read any Shakespeare? What did you think? I just realized that this blog post was completely pointless. But that's what makes it fun, right? Please Comment and Follow! :D
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