Friday, August 6, 2010

Please Stand Up!

Hey, today I'm going to be talking about something more important than fashion or makeup. Something that's more important than the perfect Christian Louboutin heels? I know it sounds crazy but its a cause that is very, very close to my heart.

It's cancer.

I know that a lot of people don't like talking about the 'C' word but it is an important to talk about. It's not something you can just dust under the rug and hope that it goes away. How can the back crawl? [yeah. that sentence makes about as much sense as ignoring the problem.]

My mom was diagnosed with cancer about two years ago. She caught it early and her recovery was relatively quick. I don't think I understood the entire situation. It was just too much to handle that I didn't realize the magnitude of everything until after it was over.

Not to say that it actually is over. My mom has to go in to makeup sure the cancer doesn't return. But I am really supportive of a program called Stand Up to Cancer. If you want to stand up to cancer tune in to Fox, CBS, ABC, E!, NBC, and countless other channels on September 10th.

The odds of getting cancer for women in their lifetime is 1 in 3. While the odds of tripping while texting is 1 in 10. The odds are astounding.

See stars like Dakota Fanning, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron [his part in the PSA is so funny!], Kristen Bell, and Logan Lermen as they try illustrate the odds. It really makes the message hit home. And I find myself watching it over and over again. Something that they said really left an impression on me.

"It's up to us to change the odds. For our generation. For the ones we love. For our future. If you don't like the odds stand up. Stand up to cancer."

100% of the donations will go to collaborative cancer research. This money will help young children unable to drive yet. And men and women with children at home. This money is for those who have cancer in their mouths, lungs, breasts, everywhere.

One day a loved one [maybe your friend, your child, your sibling] might get cancer and do you want to look back and say that you didn't do your part? I'm not saying this will cure cancer but it can help. Every dollar helps. And your dollar might be that dollar that makes a difference.

I don't want to guilt you into giving away your money. Honestly I don't. But I just want to make people aware. If you can't donate your money maybe donate your time. Relay for Life is another amazing cancer research fundraiser that I've participated in. It doesn't cost you any money but it makes you feel like you're making a difference.

Please. Stand up to cancer. :)

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