Thursday, June 10, 2010

Five Times the Fun

Gina from anything ima[gina]ble tagged me for an award. She's one of my daily reads and I love that she has the same taste in music that I do. Everytime I go to her blog, I know that I'll love the music she has playing. Random little fact just in case you wanted to know. :)

Well, here's the award! Cute, huh?

Anywho, here are the rules. :) State five random facts about you. It seems pretty simple. :) Well, here I go. Wish me luck!

Random Fact Number 1
It's my birhtday!! :D

Random Fact Number 2
The first CD I bought with my own money was Britney Spears' Oops!...I Did It Again. Wow. That was a long time ago. Good times. Good times.

Random Fact Number 3
I'm unwillingly addicted to Twilight. I didn't ask for this. All I wanted was to pick up a book to read on the plane to my grandma's house and the small Borders in my town was where my obsession with Edward Cullen started. Yes, I know he's a character not a real person. But a girl can dream, can't she? ;)

Random Fact Number 4
I've been taking Japanese for two years and I cannot speak it--at all! I'm not even kidding. I know all these words but I don't know how to string them into a sentence...

Random Fact Numer 5
I find Spider Solatiare to be very relaxing. With my music and my cards, I can never go wrong. :)

I'm off to celebrate my birthday! :) So excited. I'm seventeen which means that I can legally go to rated R movies now. So exciting! And only three more days (not counting weekends) before school gets out. Yes! :) It's about time.

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